IDM Integration Module

Internet Download Manager (IDM) add extension to Opera

Opera is a web browser industry leader because of its speed, simple interface, and lightweight construction. While IDM is a very useful software that controls and schedules downloads as well as increases download speed by up to 5 times. IDM is an abbreviation for Internet Download Manager. It also features robust recovery and resumption capabilities in case the download is interrupted due to a network issue or a lost connection.

Opera is the most popular Chrome-based web and mobile browser. Every chromium-based extension can be installed on the Opera web and mobile browsers. This is wonderful news for users of the popular internet browser’s desktop or mobile versions, as they will all be able to enjoy it. Installing IDM into Opera makes downloading goods from the internet a breeze. Opera browser allows you to add an Internet download manager by integrating and then installing it from the Extensions gallery. However, the IDM Integration procedure is extremely simple, however users get stuck when it comes to installing the extension. As a result, we will share both the process and its simplification below. You can Download IDM Crack

Ways to Integrate IDM into the Opera Browser

Simple method for integrating IDM into the Opera browser. Opera must be manually connected with IDM. A few manual changes are required to integrate IDM into the Opera browser. Internet download manager integrates seamlessly into certain popular browsers such as Chrome and Firefox by default; however, Opera does not always get automatic integration with IDM.

In IDM, enable Advanced Browser Integration

First, launch IDM and navigate to the “General” option in the IDM dialogue box. Select the “Use advanced browser integration” checkbox. Check sure the integration with Opera is likewise enabled or ticketed. Tick the “Opera” check box to enable IDM in Opera Browser. To save your settings, click OK to save on the dialogue window.

Navigate to the Opera Browser Extensions page

This step is only applicable to Opera versions 15 and higher. In this step, we will manually install the IDM plugin for Opera Browser. This is analogous to adding Chrome or Firefox addons. First, navigate to the Opera Browser extension website.

      Navigate to Opera > Extensions > Manage Extensions.

     This will take you to the Opera Extensions page

Navigate to the IDM Installation Folder and locate IDMGCExt.crx

Look for a file called “IDMGCExt.crx” or “IDMGCExt” in the folder. The “IDMGCExt” file is the Opera IDM extension.

Move IDMGCExt.crx to the Extensions Page

Drag and drop the “IDMGCExt.crx” file from the IDM installation folder into the “Extensions” page of your Opera Browser.

Approve the installation of the IDM Integration Module

Following the drag and drop, you will be prompted to confirm the installation of the IDM Integration Module. To complete the installation of the “IDM Integration Module” in Opera Browser, click the “Install” button.

Allow IDM to use Private Browsing Mode

The last step is to enable “Allow in private mode” by checking the box. Restart the browser to complete the integration of IDM into Opera Browser.

By integrating IDM with Opera, users can also enjoy compatibility with a wide range of file hosting websites, including popular platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and others. IDM automatically detects and captures downloadable content from these sites, allowing users to effortlessly download videos, music, documents, and more.

Install IDM extension for Opera

Follow these instructions to download and install the IDM (Internet Download Manager) plugin for Opera:

  • On your computer, launch the Opera web browser.
  • Locate and click on the “Downloads” section of the IDM website.
  • Locate the Opera browser extension and click the “Download” button to the right of it. Make sure you download the correct version for your Opera browser.
  • After downloading the extension file, navigate to the directory where the file is located on your computer.
  • In the Opera browser, open a new tab and type “opera://extensions” in the address box, then press Enter. This will open the Extensions page.
  • Enable the “Developer mode” option in the top right corner of the Extensions page.
  • Now, select “Load unpacked” from the menu. A file dialogue box will be displayed.
  • Navigate to the location where you saved the downloaded IDM extension file in the file dialogue box, pick the file, and click “Open.”
  • The IDM extension will be installed in Opera, and its icon should display on the toolbar.

You can now begin downloading files in Opera using IDM Crack. When you visit a webpage with downloadable content, the IDM symbol allows you to start downloading right away.

Features of IDM IN Opera browser

Download Acceleration:

Opera’s download manager employs several connections to speed up file downloads.

Pause and Resume

You can pause and resume downloads at any time, giving you control over the timing of your downloads.

Download Queue

 You can add numerous items to the download queue, and Opera will begin downloading them one by one.

File Organisation

You can select a download location and handle downloaded files directly from the browser.

Download History

Opera saves a record of your downloaded files, making it easy to access and re-download them.


In conclusion, integrating Internet Download Manager (IDM) with the Opera browser brings a host of benefits and enhanced functionality to users. By following a few simple steps, users can seamlessly add the IDM extension to their Opera browser, unlocking a world of accelerated download speeds and efficient file management. The process of integrating IDM into Opera involves downloading and installing the IDM extension from the official Opera add-ons store. Once installed, IDM seamlessly integrates with the browser, allowing users to easily download files with just a single click.

This integration not only saves consumers time, but also gives them more control and flexibility over their downloads. Integrating IDM with the Opera browser is a simple operation that provides users with faster download rates, more efficient file management, and greater control over their downloads. IDM’s smooth integration with Opera, together with its advanced capabilities and compatibility, makes it a must-have tool for anyone looking for a dependable download manager. So, add IDM to your Opera browser to take your downloading experience to the next level.

Can I integrate IDM with any version of Opera?

The process described in the article should work for most versions of Opera, including Opera 15 and higher. However, it’s always a good idea to ensure that you have the latest version of Opera and IDM for the best compatibility.

Is IDM integration with Opera available on all operating systems?

Yes, the steps mentioned in the article are applicable to all operating systems where Opera and IDM are compatible, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Can I use IDM to download videos from websites like YouTube?

Yes, IDM is compatible with popular video hosting platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and others. Once IDM is integrated with Opera, it will automatically detect downloadable video content on these sites, allowing you to download videos with IDM’s accelerated download speed.

How can I verify if IDM is successfully integrated with Opera?

After completing the integration steps, you should see the IDM icon in the toolbar of your Opera browser. Additionally, when you visit a webpage with downloadable content, IDM should automatically capture the download and offer you the option to initiate the download using IDM.

Can I uninstall the IDM extension from Opera if needed?

Yes, if you decide to remove IDM integration from Opera, you can do so by going to the Opera Extensions page (opera://extensions), locating the IDM extension, and selecting the “Remove” or “Delete” option associated with it.

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